[Решено] 1.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: My brother and I … (chat) via Zoom for an hour when the connection broke.

2.Put the verb in brackets into the correct...

1.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: My brother and I … (chat) via Zoom for an hour when the connection broke.

2.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: Jenny … (do) the ironing since early morning.

3.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: I knew that our grandparents … (grow) apples in their greenhouse since they bought the apple trees

4.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: She … (loose) much weight by the end of the month

5.Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: Mrs.Brown realised there were some problems in her colleagues’ project because she … (work) in the company since 2016

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

1.​ My brother and I were chatting via Zoom for an hour when the connection broke.​
2. Jenny has been doing the ironing since early morning.​
3.​ I knew that our grandparents had been growing apples in their greenhouse since they bought the apple trees.​
4.​ She had lost much weight by the end of the month.​
5.​ Mrs. Brown realized there were some problems in her colleagues’ project because she had been working in the company since 2016.​

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2. Когда необходимо, чтобы производные классы могли переопределять методы базового класса

3. Когда в классе есть несколько методов, имеющих одинаковое имя, но разное число параметров одного типа

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5. Во всех вышеперечисленных случаях

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