[Решено] For items 1–10

read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a new word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning...

For items 1–10

read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a new word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0)


(0) globally

As policy director for a well-known multinational, Ben Dims spends his days thinking (0) globally (GLOBAL).

But when he travels on holiday, it’s always closer to home; several years ago he made the decision never again to take a (1)


(VACATE) by air.

“It was partly driven by a concern for the environment,” says Dims, “but also by a desire not to (2)

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For items 1–10, read the text below.​ Use the word given in capitals to form a new word that fits in the space in the same line.​ There is an example at the beginning (0).​Example⁚
(0) globally
As policy director for a well-known multinational, Ben Dims spends his days thinking (0) globally (GLOBAL). But when he travels on holiday, it’s always closer to home; several years ago he made the decision never again to take a (1) vacation (VACATE) by air.​“It was partly driven by a concern for the environment,” says Dims, “but also by a desire not to (2) contribute (CONTRIBUTION) to the carbon emissions associated with air travel.​ I started exploring alternative modes of transportation and discovered the joys of (3) cycling (CYCLE).​″

Dims has since become an avid cyclist, taking cycling trips both domestically and internationally.​ He believes that cycling not only helps him stay fit but also allows him to truly experience the places he visits.​″I love the freedom and flexibility cycling offers,″ he says. ″It’s a wonderful way to immerse myself in the local culture, interact with people, and see the sights from a different perspective.″

In addition to being environmentally friendly, cycling also has numerous health benefits.​ Regular cycling can improve cardiovascular fitness, build muscle strength, and aid in weight loss.​ Dims often combines cycling with camping, allowing him to fully embrace the outdoor experience.​″It’s amazing how much ground you can cover on a bike,″ he says.​ ″I’ve discovered hidden gems and breathtaking landscapes that I would have missed if I had been on a traditional vacation.​″

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While cycling may not be suitable for everyone, Dims believes that making small changes to our travel habits can have a big impact on both the environment and our personal well-being.​″I understand that not everyone can give up air travel completely,″ he acknowledges.​ ″But even choosing to cycle for shorter trips or using public transportation whenever possible can make a difference.​ It’s all about being conscious of our choices and finding alternative options that align with our values.​″

Dims encourages others to consider cycling as a viable alternative for their vacations. Though it may require some planning and preparation, the rewards are well worth it.″I have never regretted my decision to embrace cycling for my holidays,″ he says.​ ″It has given me a newfound appreciation for the world around me and allowed me to create unforgettable memories. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to stay active and do my part in protecting the planet.​″

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