[Решено] Вставьте ( ) артикль the где необходимо. Там где он не нужен, выберите –

9. We have a very good train service from here...

Вставьте ( ) артикль the где необходимо. Там где он не нужен, выберите –

9. We have a very good train service from here to ( ) city centre and most people go to ( ) work by train. You can go by ( ) bus too, of course, but you can’t get a season ticket on ( ) bus.

10. ( ) dead no longer need ( ) help. We must concern ourselves with ( ) living. We must build ( ) houses and ( ) schools and ( ) playgrounds.

11. I’d like to see ( ) Mr Smith please. ~ Do you mean ( ) Mr Smith who works in ( ) box office or ( ) other Mr Smith?

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

Вставьте артикль ″the″ где необходимо.​ Там, где он не нуженвыберите ″-″

9.​ We have a very good train service from here to the city centre and most people go to work by train.​ You can go by bus too٫ of course٫ but you can’t get a season ticket on the bus.​

10.​ The dead no longer need help.​ We must concern ourselves with the living.​ We must build houses and schools and playgrounds.​

11.​ I’d like to see Mr Smith please.​ Do you mean the Mr Smith who works in the box office or the other Mr Smith?​

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