[Решено] Change the direct speech to reported speech. Remember to change the pronouns and references to time where necessary. »

1 ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, said Sally.


Change the direct speech to reported speech. Remember to change the pronouns and references to time where necessary. »

1 ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, said Sally.

Sally said that she would see me the next day.

2 ‘We haven’t been to London since last January, said Emma.

3 ‘Tom can’t speak French,’ said Wendy.

4 ‘I’ll get a holiday job next summer’ said Kylie.

5 ‘We can play tennis tomorrow,’ said Jake.

6 ‘Kate has decided to study medicine, said her brother.

7 ‘I won’t tell anyone what Josh has done, said Andy.

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1․ ″I’ll see you tomorrow‚″ said Sally․
Sally said that she would see me the next day․2․ ″We haven’t been to London since last January‚″ said Emma․ Emma said that they hadn’t been to London since the previous January․3․ ″Tom can’t speak French‚″ said Wendy․ Wendy said that Tom couldn’t speak French․4․ ″I’ll get a holiday job next summer‚″ said Kylie․ Kylie said that she would get a holiday job the following summer․5․ ″We can play tennis tomorrow‚″ said Jake․ Jake said that they could play tennis the next day․6․ ″Kate has decided to study medicine‚″ said her brother․

Kate’s brother said that Kate had decided to study medicine․7․ ″I won’t tell anyone what Josh has done‚″ said Andy;
Andy said that he wouldn’t tell anyone what Josh had done․

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