Нейросеть » Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions, which you don’t need to use. public at large, shares,...
[Решено] Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions, which you don’t need to use. public at large, shares,...
Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions, which you don’t need to use. public at large, shares, closed corporation, distribution, material wants, invest, social welfare, make a profit, limited, provision, commercial wants 1. Private businesses are formed mainly to provide for ___ (i.e.,goods and services) and__ (i.e., banking, insurance) in society. 2. Government organizations, on the other hand, tend to satisfy society’s desire for defence, law and order, education and___. . 3. Every organization has very definite and clear aims: to stay in business and____.
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1. Частные предприятия образуются в основном для удовлетворения материальных потребностей (т.е. товаров и услуг) и коммерческих потребностей (т.е. банковского, страхового) в обществе.
2. Правительственные организации, с другой стороны, стремятся удовлетворить желание общества в обороне, обеспечении правопорядка, образовании и социальном обеспечении.
3. Каждая организация имеет очень четкие и ясные цели⁚ оставаться в бизнесе и получать прибыль.