[Решено] 1​Match the beginnings of the sentences (a–e) to the endings (1–5).

a)​Mmm. This is the best ​1) chicken served with gravy. Yum!

b)​For the starter,...

1​Match the beginnings of the sentences (a–e) to the endings (1–5).

a)​Mmm. This is the best ​1) chicken served with gravy. Yum!

b)​For the starter, I’m going to do fresh ​2) convenience food that doesn’t need any cooking.

c)​My mum always makes roast​3) lasagne I have ever tasted. It’s delicious!

d)​Last week we ate the last of our succulent​4) green salad with home-made dressing.

e)​Let’s just have some microwavable​5) raspberries with fresh cream.

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

1) The best chicken served with gravy․ Yum!​ 2) Fresh green salad with home-made dressing․ 3) Roast lasagne I have ever tasted․ It’s delicious!​ 4) Convenience food that doesn’t need any cooking․ 5) Some microwavable raspberries with fresh cream․

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