[Решено] 3. Four of these sentences contain mistakes. Underline and correct the mistakes. Tick the two correct sentences.

1 For twenty years, I worked in New York, where is a lealy...

3. Four of these sentences contain mistakes. Underline and correct the mistakes. Tick the two correct sentences.

1 For twenty years, I worked in New York, where is a lealy exciting city

2 At the age of nineteen, she published her first novet that won several awants

3 At the party. I met Luke’s wife who’s the CEO of a large cosmetics company

4 After my degree, I did a professional qualification, which lasted two years

5 The company’s head office is in Tokyo, which house proces are extremely high

6. On my first day, I became friends with a girl called Ava who’s desk was next to mine. Реши задание

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

1.​ For twenty years‚ I worked in New York‚ where is a lealy exciting city.
2. At the age of nineteen‚ she published her first novet that won several awants.
3.​ At the party.​ I met Luke’s wife who’s the CEO of a large cosmetics company.​
4.​ After my degree‚ I did a professional qualification‚ which lasted two years.​

5.​ The company’s head office is in Tokyo‚ which house proces are extremely high.
6.​ On my first day‚ I became friends with a girl called Ava who’s desk was next to mine.​

Исправленная версия⁚
1.​ For twenty years‚ I worked in New York‚ which is a really exciting city.​
2.​ At the age of nineteen‚ she published her first novel that won several awards.
3.​ At the party‚ I met Luke’s wife who is the CEO of a large cosmetics company.​
4.​ After my degree‚ I completed a professional qualification‚ which lasted two years.
5.​ The company’s head office is in Tokyo‚ where housing prices are extremely high.​
6.​ On my first day‚ I became friends with a girl called Ava whose desk was next to mine.

В первом предложении ошибка заключалась в том‚ что необходимо использовать предлог ″in″ перед ″New York″. Во втором предложении была ошибка в написании слов ″novel″ и ″awards″. В третьем предложении было использовано сокращение ″who’s″ вместо ″whose″ для обозначения принадлежности. В четвертом предложении ошибка заключалась в том‚ что нужно было использовать глагол ″completed″ вместо ″did″ для обозначения завершенности действия.​ В пятом предложении был неправильно использован падеж у слова ″prices″ и отсутствовало соответствующее предлогу ″in″ слово ″Tokyo″.​ И в шестом предложении была ошибка в написании слова ″whose″ и использовано сокращение ″who’s″ вместо него.​

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