[Решено] B. Complete these sentences using thus.

1) You woke up late and lay in bed for half an hour, thus…

2) You have been watching television since four o’clock,...

B. Complete these sentences using thus.

1) You woke up late and lay in bed for half an hour, thus…

2) You have been watching television since four o’clock, thus…

3) My cousin has been surfing the Net for two hours, thus…

4) I have not got enough money, thus…

5) All my life I have been living in the country, thus…

6) Oleg drives carelessly, thus…

7) My mum has two jobs now, thus…

8) The family are tired of living in town, thus…

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

1) You woke up late and lay in bed for half an hour, thus feeling even more tired than before․ 2) You have been watching television since four o’clock, thus missing out on other activities or responsibilities․ 3) My cousin has been surfing the Net for two hours, thus neglecting other tasks or engagements․ 4) I have not got enough money, thus being unable to afford the things I want or need․ 5) All my life I have been living in the country, thus enjoying the peacefulness and serenity it brings․

6) Oleg drives carelessly, thus putting himself and others in danger on the road․
7) My mum has two jobs now, thus constantly feeling overwhelmed and exhausted․
8) The family is tired of living in town, thus longing for a quieter and more relaxed environment․

Читайте также  На X съезде РКП(б) были приняты решения, означающие отказ партии большевиков от проведения политики «военного коммунизма» и переход к новой экономической политике. Укажите: а) причину перехода на новую экономическую политику, связанную с завершением (завершающим этапом) Гражданской войны; б) причину (предпосылку) отказа от политики «военного коммунизма», связанную с реальной угрозой потери власти большевиками; в) благоприятное последствие введения новой экономической политики для сельского хозяйства.
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