[Решено] Choose the correct verb. Translate.

1. At the height of the season, the roses smelled (sweet, sweetly). 2. The child grew (silent, silently) when his father entered the...

Choose the correct verb. Translate.

1. At the height of the season, the roses smelled (sweet, sweetly). 2. The child grew (silent, silently) when his father entered the room. 3. The water flowed (rapid, rapidly) over the falls. 4. At the mention of a test, the child turned (pale, palely). 5. Aluminum can be (easy, easily) bent. 6. Going (crazy, crazily) in their tiny apartment, the couple decided to move. 7. That bubbling soup smells very (good, well). 8. The small puppy couldn’t remain (quiet, quietly) for very long. 9. No one suspected her of being the thief because she looked so (honest, honestly).

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

Choose the correct verb․ Translate․1․ At the height of the season‚ the roses smelled sweetly․2․ The child grew silent when his father entered the room․3․ The water flowed rapidly over the falls․

4․ At the mention of a test‚ the child turned pale․
5․ Aluminum can be easily bent․
6․ Going crazy in their tiny apartment‚ the couple decided to move․
7․ That bubbling soup smells very good․
8․ The small puppy couldn’t remain quiet for very long․
9; No one suspected her of being the thief because she looked so honest․

Выбирайте правильный глагол․ Переводите․1․ На пике сезона розы пахли сладко․2․ Ребенок замолк‚ когда его отец вошел в комнату․3․ Вода быстро течет через водопад․
4․ При упоминании о тесте ребенок побледнел․
5․ Алюминий может быть легко изогнутым․
6․ Сходя с ума в их крошечной квартире‚ пара решила переехать․
7․ Та пузырящаяся супчик пахнет очень хорошо․
8․ Маленький щенок не мог долго оставаться тихим․
9․ Никто не подозревал ее в качестве вора‚ потому что она выглядела так честно․

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