[Решено] Complete the sentence with use(d) to a suitable verb. Write down the answer as shown in the example. Don’t put the full stop at the end.

The verbs:


Complete the sentence with use(d) to a suitable verb. Write down the answer as shown in the example. Don’t put the full stop at the end.

The verbs:

• ride



• live

Примечание: запишите пропущенные слова, используя строчные буквы. Не забывайте ставить пробелы. Точку использовать не нужно.

Example: used to watch

Dennis gave up running a month ago. He every morning.

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Complete the sentence with use(d) to a suitable verb⁚

1.​ I __________ a bike to school every day.​
2.​ My dog ________ after squirrels in the park.​
3. We ________ ice cream for dessert when we were kids.
4. She ________ in a small village before moving to the city.​

1.​ used to ride
2. used to run
3. used to eat

4.​ used to live

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