[Решено] Complete this conversation. Then practice with a partner.

Server: What

you like to order?


have the spicy fish.


Complete this conversation. Then practice with a partner.

Server: What

you like to order?


have the spicy fish.


you like salad or potatoes?


like potatoes, please.

Server: OK. And

you like anything

to drink?


just have a glass of water.

anything else?

Server: Would you

Customer: No, that’s all for now, thanks.


Server: Would you



Server: What flavor

Customer: Hmm. 1a


like ice cream. you like?

have mint chocolate chip, please.

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

Complete this conversation. Then practice with a partner.​ Server⁚ What would you like to order?​ Customer⁚ I would like to have the spicy fish.​ Server⁚ Would you like a salad or potatoes? Customer⁚ I would like potatoes‚ please.​

Server⁚ OK.​ And would you like anything to drink?​ Customer⁚ I would just like a glass of water.​ Anything else?​ Server⁚ Would you like dessert? Customer⁚ No‚ that’s all for now‚ thanks.​ Later.​.​.​

Server⁚ Would you like anything else?​ Customer⁚ Yes‚ I would like dessert.​ Server⁚ What flavor would you like?​ Customer⁚ Hmm.​ I like ice cream. What flavor do you have?​ Server⁚ We have mint chocolate chip‚ please.​

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