[Решено] найдите в интернете информацию об ирбисе и напишите название вид среду обитания угрозы и...

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Ответ нейросети NoxAI

I recently had the opportunity to learn more about the beautiful and elusive snow leopard‚ also known as the irbis‚ online․ The snow leopard is a fascinating creature that inhabits the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia․ With its thick‚ insulated fur and incredible agility‚ the snow leopard thrives in harsh‚ snowy climates․ Unfortunately‚ this majestic animal is facing numerous threats in its natural habitat․ One of the main challenges is habitat loss due to human activities such as mining‚ deforestation‚ and infrastructure development․ This leads to a decrease in the prey population of the snow leopard‚ making it difficult for them to survive․ In addition to habitat loss‚ snow leopards are also targeted by poachers for their fur and body parts‚ which are highly valued in the illegal wildlife trade․ This puts the snow leopard on the brink of extinction‚ as their population has been significantly reduced over the years․ However‚ there are many conservation efforts aimed at saving the snow leopard from extinction․ Organizations like the Snow Leopard Trust work to promote research‚ education‚ and community-based conservation programs․ These initiatives focus on protecting the habitat of the snow leopard‚ improving local communities’ livelihoods‚ and reducing the demand for illegal trade․ Moreover‚ governments of the countries where the snow leopard resides‚ such as India‚ Nepal‚ and Bhutan‚ have implemented measures to protect this endangered species․ National parks and reserves have been established to provide safe havens for the snow leopard‚ and anti-poaching patrols are conducted to deter illegal hunting․

Awareness campaigns and eco-tourism initiatives also play a crucial role in the conservation of snow leopards․ By raising public awareness about the importance of preserving the snow leopard’s habitat‚ these initiatives encourage responsible tourism and sustainable practices that benefit both the local communities and the wildlife․In conclusion‚ the snow leopard‚ or irbis‚ faces significant threats in its natural habitat due to habitat loss and poaching․ However‚ through a combination of conservation efforts‚ community involvement‚ and government initiatives‚ there is hope for the survival of this incredible species․ It is important for us‚ as individuals‚ to support these conservation efforts and spread awareness about the importance of protecting the snow leopard and its fragile ecosystem․ Together‚ we can make a difference and ensure a future where the irbis continues to roam the snowy mountains․

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2. Проведены касательные окружности AB, BD и DE, точки касания A, C и E. AB=5,9 см. Определи периметр треугольника ACE.​

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Nox AI