Каузативная форма в английском языке используется для обозначения того, что действие выполняется одним человеком или предметом по отношению к другому. Рассмотрим каждое предложение и образуем каузативную форму, используя определенные правила⁚
1. I clean my flat every day.
⎯ I get my flat cleaned every day.
2. She washes her car yesterday.
⎯ She gets her car washed yesterday.
3. I check my eyes now.
ー I have my eyes checked now.
4. He fixes a car tomorrow.
ー He gets a car fixed tomorrow.
5. We make present for him every day.
⎯ We have a present made for him every day.
6. They take photos of this sightseeing yesterday.
⎯ They have photos taken of this sightseeing yesterday.
7. She does her hair now.
⎯ She gets her hair done now.
8. My mother does the nails every day.
⎯ My mother gets the nails done every day.
9. My grandmother dyes her hair now.
ー My grandmother gets her hair dyed now.
10. My grandfather whitens teeth yesterday.
ー My grandfather gets his teeth whitened yesterday.
11. He decorates the house every day.
ー He has the house decorated every day.
12. She makes costumes yesterday.
ー She has costumes made yesterday.
13. They make a cake now.
ー They have a cake made now.
14. He waters the flowers every day yesterday.
ー He has the flowers watered every day yesterday.
15. We plant flowers tomorrow.
⎯ We have flowers planted tomorrow.
Используя каузативную форму, можно передать идею того, что кто-то предоставляет услугу или выполняет действие от имени другого человека или предмета. Это удобно в различных ситуациях, когда необходимо обратиться за помощью или услугами других людей.