Нейросеть » Task 5. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb COME across/ down with/ up with / into / over. 1. Why don’t you … to our place one evening? 2. She …...
[Решено] Task 5. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb COME across/ down with/ up with / into / over. 1. Why don’t you … to our place one evening? 2. She …...
Task 5. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb COME across/ down with/ up with / into / over. 1. Why don’t you … to our place one evening? 2. She … some old letters in the attic last Sunday. 3. Max can’t go to work. He has … with the flu again. 4. I just … a lot of money, so I am buying pizza for everybody. 5. Max … some old school books in the attic of his house. They brought back memories of his glorious days in school. 6. He … a strange disease last summer. 7. It was not enough, however, to … a scheme and try to impose it.
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Task 5․ Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb COME across/ down with/ up with / into / over․1․ Why don’t you come over to our place one evening? Я предлагаю вам зайти к нам вечером․2․ She came across some old letters in the attic last Sunday․ В прошлое воскресенье она наткнулась на несколько старых писем на чердаке․3․ Max can’t go to work․ He has come down with the flu again․ Макс не может пойти на работу․ У него снова началась грипп․4․ I just came into a lot of money, so I am buying pizza for everybody․ Я только что получил большую сумму денег, поэтому я покупаю пиццу для всех․5․ Max came across some old school books in the attic of his house․ They brought back memories of his glorious days in school․
Макс наткнулся на несколько старых учебников в чердаке своего дома․ Они вернули его во времена школьных дней․6․ He came down with a strange disease last summer․
Он заболел странной болезнью прошлым летом․7․ It was not enough, however, to come up with a scheme and try to impose it․
Однако это было недостаточно, чтобы придумать план и попытаться его навязать․